Southern Cove
Final Restoration Complete in Southern Cove
​The remediation of the Southern Cove was completed in November 2017 with the removal of sediments in accordance with the design approved by the Maine DEP. Corrective measures for the Cove involved the removal of 18,548 tons of sediments exceeding the Media Protection Standard for mercury.
Remediation of this area had many challenges. There was a very short time frame in which work in the water was allowed to protect fish and the environment (no work can be conducted in the spring) and yet was still safe enough to conduct the work (before ice forms on the river). Tidal cycles, fast current velocities, existing outfall pipes and coarse sediment all presented additional challenges. Throughout the remediation in the Cove, water quality and fish monitoring occurred to ensure overall environmental impacts were minimized, fish access was limited within the construction areas and turbidity and sediment transport was minimal.
Once the sediment was removed, backfill was placed in the remediated areas to restore the area. Final restoration, including planting appropriate vegetation for the area, was completed in 2018 and the Construction Closure Report was approved by DEP.​
Full copy is available at the Public repository located at: Orrington Town library - 15 School Street, Orrington, ME 04474
The final Construction Closure report for the Southern Cove remediation was submitted to the Maine DEP on January 11, 2018. Maine DEP determined the report to be complete in a letter dated August 3, 2018.