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Community Connection

Local Spotlight: 
Orrington Residents Attend Open House

Once the remediation was well underway in 2018, Mallinckrodt welcomed residents to an Open House at the Orrington Site.  Representatives from Mallinckrodt, Geosyntec and CDM provided a brief overview of the history of the Orrington site, discussed the remediation completed to date and the schedule for the remaining work.  Photos and maps of the site were also presented.

Following the presentation, participants donned hard hats and safety glasses for a driving tour of the remediation areas. Following the tour, site representatives took questions from the group.  The Open House was a collaboration between the Town of Orrington and Mallinckrodt and continued support from the Town and the interest from those who attended was appreciated. ​​

Looking forward to the future
  • The fully remediated 240-acre former industrial site is an integral component of the Town of Orrington’s Economic Development Plans, and is currently eyed by local officials and industry groups for clean energy and infrastructure opportunities. 


  • Both the Maine DEP and Mallinckrodt understand that it is important to the community to complete remediation efficiently, safely and in a timely manner so the town can realize its goal of appropriate reuse of the site.


  • What distinguishes the former HoltraChem site from other closed manufacturing facilities is its location on the Penobscot River; its proximity to all the major highways; access to rail lines, extensive on-site utilities including water and power; and the potential for accessible river transport such as that used successfully by Cianbro just up river in Brewer.


  • Transport of goods and services through this site represents valuable economic potential that advances the town’s development and land use plans.

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